So, I need to fill up my new office - I was looking for a one person office, and I just so happen to fall into this amazing situation where this is my new office, and it’s somehow within my tiny budget.

But here’s the thing - it echoes!!!
I need to fill this space with some things to make this office my own and to help improve the sound quality (I may have some plans to record an album in here, shh! 😛)
So, what do you do?
Head to Amazon first, of course! (Just kidding, but not really, it was definitely my first instinct...)
But I resisted and instead started by ‘shopping my closet’ - We had a love seat and an ottoman in storage - yes, some neighborhood cats had peed on them, so I cleaned them up. I trimmed off loose threads caused by my own kitties, and I covered them with some throws that a friend of mine was getting rid of.
Next, I went to and began looking through our brands for the home (and then thought to myself, do we need to start exploring brands for the office? Probably.) I can't afford to get everything, and I still want some time to discover more pre-loved items.
So, here they are, my top-pick sustainable dream list for my office as it currently stands...
I love the idea of having this sustainable Large Urban Fusion Side Table to sit next to my re-loved sofa.
While pricier than what you can get from Amazon, people who own this table seem to find it incredibly well-priced:
Customer Reviews
Review by Tara
Price: 5 / Quality: 5
Lovely table, good quality. Good delivery. Very pleased with this table for working from home as its the perfect height for my sofa and despite being the large one, doesn’t take up much room due to the design. Nice real wood surface and well made item - very pleased thank you!
Review by Sienna
Price: 5 / Quality: 5
Great Gift. Love how practical these tables are and such great value for money. Planning on getting my mother one for Christmas too!
Tara agrees - A great table for working from a sofa! Definitely top of my list.
Obsessed. And at £188, I'm finding it hard not to just lay down the company card. Imagine team meetings hosted around this beautiful, sustainable wood table, handmade right down the street in London?
Consider me sold. At £18, this sustainable vase from Form made from 100% recycled glass will make a home in my new productivity pad.
I am also on a fresh flowers kick - proven to improve mental health and connection by a new Harvard study, and also biodegradable, I think there are a LOT of benefits to enjoy the regular bouquet.
I'm imagining this original artwork from Collective-Stories called 'Frequency' would be the perfect addition to improve the office's harmony.
Functional to absorb the vibrations bouncing off my currently bare walls and to inspire.
Okay, the vases from Minimum Design challenge me... I love them all! Here are the 3 I'm considering... One of these will be mine (or maybe two... or maybe all three...)
There you have it! My top Care What You Wear picks for my new office.
Which are your favourites?